
Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Back Again.

Oh my blog, how I have missed you!

I can't even explain why I've been gone so long, but I'm back now and I want to make amends. Will you please give me another chance? Right now I really need you because I am desperate. I have no outlet, no release - nothing that I can do these days that brings me the joy that writing used to give me. I don't manage my time well so I haven't been around, but I promise I will change. There are so many things I need to change, that I need to work on, and I just want to start. If I begin somewhere, maybe other things will begin to fall into place. Will you let me try again? I promise I won't abandon you this time. I need to write again. I need to get things down so that I can look back and reference them and USE them in the areas of my life where I just can't seem to get my shit together. June is my birthday month. My present to myself is to try to come back to some of the things I love and don't do or don't make time for. This blog will be one of them. The other one, at least to start off with, will be me. Big project there, which will require a lot of patience, but I am ready. I have been so far gone - so far down the long, ugly, twisted road that I went down in my first marriage - now I have to stop and get out the map so I can find my way back home. I cannot afford to go another step in the direction I've been going, and I will use this blog to help me turn around. I promise to be faithful and true, and hopefully I can begin to heal.

Take me back, blog, won't you?

1 comment:

Colline said...

Welcome back! :)