
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Top Ten List

Here are a few small things that I think would be great:

1. If I were not buried up to my eyeballs in work so that I could do more than a lousy Top Ten List for my blog today.

2. If I would be able to stop drooling all over myself whenever I pass a piping hot bag of freshly baked French bread in the grocery store.

3. If my fingernails could not break just when I get them to a decent length, thus forcing me to cut them all off because I can't stand uneven lengths. Just one time.

4. If the place we went to for Thanksgiving would have put the stuffing out for people to eat BEFORE we finished our meal and were getting ready to leave.

5. If my sister lived closer so that she could inspire me to become a runner, too.

6. If I could finally decide between colored lights and white lights for our Christmas tree.

7. If I knew whether or not I was getting a Christmas bonus this year.

8. If I could break into the next lowest ten-pound range sometime BEFORE. I. DIE.

9. If "being a better blog updater" were something that I could get from Santa.

10. If tonight were not the two-hour finale of The Biggest Loser. This show is wonderfully motivating for me, and I love it, and I will be in mourning for weeks now that it will be gone. I want Suzy or Matt to win, but I think it's gonna be Seth. Just putting that out there.



Anonymous said...

With regards to #9? I'm only now beginning to realize (for myself) that it's much more important to have quality over quantity.Your posts are

Raul Duke said...

My wife had the same problem when deciding on our tree. The good news is we found a tree (with a remote) that has both clear and colored lights, and it's pre-lit so I don't have to yell and cuss at tangled light strands anymore.