
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Reset Button

Well. I had a whole direction I was going to go today but in circling back around to my blog after yet another long absence and reading through my past "recent" posts, I realize that what I was going to write about is exactly what I've already written about. And gone on about. Over and over. Soooo, THAT'S a big sign, I'd say... Today, I think, instead, I'll just keep moving. I won't even be so bold as to say that I'll move forward. For now, maybe I'll just bob and weave, bob and weave. At this point, sideways is progress, since it seems backwards has been the slow course I've been taking for, oh, let's just say A WHILE. I won't begin this time with extreme measures and drastic eliminations as that never seems to work out too well for me. I won't set any unrealistic goals and I won't put crazy expectations on myself, but I will try. I think that's it for now, as a start. I will simply try, and I will just keep moving.

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