
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Five Weeks Away!

The trains that go rattling by our neighborhood blare their whistles at all hours of the morning and make it next-to-impossible to get a full night's sleep. This morning, I swear, they were rolling out a melodious tune. I bounded out of bed with less than six hours' sleep, including the hour between three and four where I lay wide awake, studying the glow-in-the-dark galaxy on the blades of our ceiling fan created by the previous tenant of the house. I am convinced my body and brain are trying to prepare me for the endless sleepless nights that will soon be upon me. The Baby Shower of the Century is over (and I was truly lucky enough to have two great baby showers, so that pretty much rocks the casbah), bags of teeny tiny clothes are being laundered and we are assessing the remains of our registry to see what we will not be able to live without after December 17th.

The arrival of my first and only child (and Sean's fourth and final) is fast upon us, and oh-my-goodness, I am so excited. I have had the most amazing pregnancy, despite many moments of craziness and stress over the last few months, and I cannot believe we are already closing in on the big day. I find myself looking for excuses to go into her room and often times, I just go in, anyway. When I stand there and look around at her ladybug bedding, her tiny fuzzy bunny slippers, and Sean's and my favorite childhood stuffed animals sitting in the rocker, I am overwhelmed by the combination of peace and bewilderment at how much my life is going to change. I cannot wait to drink in everything about her, and yet I am still hoping for our time together, just the two of us, to drag out a little longer. The holidays are my absolute favorite time of year and Isla will be my most precious and treasured gift, this year and always. For now, I am perfectly happy with her tumbling around inside, kicking me in the ribs, elbowing me when I bend over too far, and reminding me to be grateful for all of the little miracles that have brought us together.

1 comment:

killjoy said...

When is your due date? I must be about a week or two behind you. At any rate, this post stopped me in my tracks. I guess because I often find myself frustrated and annoyed with how lousy I feel and how I wish all the pokes and kicks would stop when I should be savoring this. Maybe it's because this is my third time. Or maybe it's because Ian just came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my neck to hug me leaving me with a ketchup necklace and I know there's only so many years I can take having drool and chewed up food on my clothes. I really should be focusing on the positive.I promise I'm going to slow down today and count my blessings (including those knees and elbows).Thanks for the reminder. Can't wait to see you next post - maybe there will be baby pictures!