
Friday, January 11, 2008

Bringing Things Up to Speed

The World's Cutest Irishman is still my heart and soul, more so every day, and I want to spin crazily around in gleeful circles when I think of him.

The kids live with us now.

I am starting a "Beginning Expressive Painting" class on Monday. I am excited, and a little terrified.

The Deathscort lives. It is the "more reliable in winter" vehicle in our little household. Which is HILARIOUS.

The Dodge Truck from Hell has been repossessed and the ex and I might possibly have to go to court over it at some point. Which is NOT hilarious. SO. NOT. FUNNY.

Haven't used the timeshare that The World's Cutest Irishman and I bought last year. Still glad we bought it.

I'm trying to reduce my sodium intake. I'm not happy about it.

I can make it through entire Gordon Lightfoot songs now without crying because they make me think of my dad.

My hair is graying at such an alarming rate that the cost of hair color is forcing me to wonder if maybe I should just embrace the inevitable.

I am going into a very, very small "crafting business" with my aunt to supplement our incomes a little since we are both broke. It should be interesting, to say the least.


I received a Dust Buster for Christmas. I love it so much I am considering having it bronzed.

I also received an amazing cookbook for Christmas that actually makes me want to cook! So far, I've made Cinnammon Nutmeg Breakfast Muffins, met with somewhat of a favorable response. YAY!

My stepmom is facing a possible total hip replacement at the end of January as a result of side-effects from steroids taken years ago for her MS. I am scared for her.

I am completely incapable of creating any sort of remotely cute hairstyle for the girls. I can gel up a pretty good mohawk for Hunter, though.

I eat vegetables now. Okay, some vegetables. But I still have to swallow them like pills.

I am mulling over the possibility of going back to school. Again. For about the fortieth time. Mulling, not deciding. Mulling.

It is amazing what three children have taught me about patience and about resisting the urge to bang my head repeatedly against the wall.

It is amazing how much I already can't imagine my life without them.

I am happy in my life; it's good to be here.


samtheory25 said...

Oh, joy to the world. I love that you are back!!!

skooterz said...

Sam said I could and should peek. She said you write good. She's right. Write more please.

D.R. said...

Yaaaaaaaaaaaay welcome back

Killjoy said...

So glad you're back. (I have sleeping newborn on my chest which is why I'm typing with one hand, which is also why I first accidentally typed "so glad you're black". Glad I caught it, that could have been confusing.) :)

Raul Duke said...

Glad you're back too. Your blog is always fun to read.

barb michelen said...

Hello I just entered before I have to leave to the airport, it's been very nice to meet you, if you want here is the site I told you about where I type some stuff and make good money (I work from home): here it is

charmed said...

YAY! Girl hairstyles are why God didn't give me a girl. Just saying.

Detroit Rock City said...

I miss you. You need to call or write sometime SOON!