
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

How I Roll

So...yeah. I'm not a painter. The art class did not go as well as I had hoped when I had last blogged, but it was a good experience. I've got an entire bucket full of acrylic paints and all of the accoutrements that go along, and again - most definitely not a painter. Maybe I'll try it again someday but for now I think I'll just stick to housepainting - that's a medium a little more my style.

WOOT! Spring - finally! It is so nice to look out the window and see green grass and daffodils and tulips popping up in my yard. It seems like it has been a long time coming for Spring this year, and the past two months of non-stop wind has put a slight damper on my ability to enjoy the changing weather, but I'm trying! At least the time spent chasing outdoor furniture cushions across my backyard, and the fact that I'm already dodging ants and wasps, will ensure that I'm getting a good workout alongside any other yardwork-related shennanigans. Mmm, I can already smell the first blades of grass being cut...

I've been on quite the social whirlwind lately, which has been awesome. The most exciting news is that I have reconnected with my cousin Alex and his wife Char, which has meant the absolute world to me. Due to a couple of business trips I've accompanied my mom/boss on to Denver as of late, the cousins and I have been able to start making up for a lot of lost time from the past few years and I am just so grateful for the second chance. I've been able to also see my other cousins who always put a smile on my face, as well as had the opportunity to get shitfaced (not cool on my part; pineapple vodka is E.V.I.L.!) with everyone from the old law firm days. That was SO fun getting to be around everyone again, as I had not seen any of them since I lived in Denver almost two years ago. What was NOT so fun was coming down with "severe bronchitis" while I was in Denver, which until only yesterday had me laying in bed for a week and pretty much ready to die. It seems like I've been getting sick a lot and that has kind of sucked, especially since I have been working like a dog to improve my health in every way possible (41 pounds down; 14 to my goal; 103 pounds down from my highest weight four years ago!!). The most frustrating thing has been not being able to work out, which I have gotten myself into the habit of doing every day for the past few months, and I never realized how much I would miss the activity. But, the doctor cleared me for "light" workouts starting tomorrow, so we'll see what happens. The girls and I are tossing around the idea of ringing in our 35th birthdays with a half-marathon and having our little sisters there to ring in their 30th birthdays, so that's my new goal to shoot for. I've got a little over two years, so I figure I'll start running sometime NOT SOON...

Sam, Mom and I are gearing up for our Mother/Daughters trip to NYC this June - awwwww yeah! None of us have ever been there and we have talked for years about doing a trip, so now we're finally doing it. We've got our flights and hotel, and now we just need to finalize the entertainment portion, as well as figure out where the heck Magnolia Bakery is so that Sam can get her cupcakes! I am so psyched; I just wish it were longer than three days. Bah.

The World's Cutest Irishman is still absolutely that, and I am more in love with him by the second. He is the ice to my cube and the reason for my perma-grin. The kids live with us part-time and with their mom part-time, which has been great for all of us to have a little more balance. I think I'm quietly back to putting the kibosh on any kids of my own, and I think I'm also quietly starting to be okay with that. Now if my mom had a say, I'm sure hers would be quite a different take, but that's okay. Contentment is the name of the game here these days, and that is definitely how I roll.


D.R. said...

yaaaaaaaaay I am finally rewarded with my daily checking of the Boonz-blog......glad to see you still exist in the world of onlineness WRITE MORE WRITE MORE

samtheory25 said...

We need to get you to roll more frequently than EVERY THREE MONTHS!! This will not stand, Dude, this will not stand!Happy to have you back in the blog world any way we can get you.