
Friday, January 19, 2007

Keep on Truckin', and PLEASE - JUST KEEP THE TRUCK!

Well, things seem to be looking up even more, and not just 'cause it's Friday! I talked with The Ex this week and we were finally able to get back to being adults who have civilized conversations, which was great because the last few times we've talked, it's pretty much been a race to see who can be the most immature asshole. Ah, divorce. Brings out the best in all of us.

The Ex is flying into Denver next Saturday where we will once again exchange the truck. He took it initially when we split up in the fall but couldn't pay for it, so I had to fly out to Oklahoma City and drive it all the way back, completely on my own dime - a situation which didn't sit too well with me considering how expensive the truck is, ANYWAY, and having the added expense of having to recover the vehicle from him was definitely not a recipe for making me happy. Needless to say, that's pretty much when the pissing matches started and continued right up until this week. The truck [truck(s) - plural - there were three over the course of our four-and-a-half-year marriage. Yeah. I know. I'm an idiot.] has been an INCREDIBLY sore subject with us since the day we bought it, and The Ex has finally acknowledged the fact that I had never wanted anything to do with the purchase of it, and that although yes, I did sign the papers with him, it was because of extreme pressure - not ever, ever, because I thought it was a good idea. Spend $1100 a month on payments and insurance? Sure, let's GET RIGHT ON THAT. He is now taking full responsiblity for the burden I have been under and believe me, IT HAS BEEN A BURDEN. Perspective: after I pay the truck payment with one full paycheck of mine, I have - are you ready? - $1.02 LEFT OVER. And that doesn't account for the insurance payment and the cost of diesel to fill that mother effer. YES. IT HAS BEEN AWESOME. I am so uncomparably happy to be rid of that truck that I would throw a party if I had any money for streamers and ballons. And cake. There would need to be LOTS of cake! And probably shots.

Oh God, Gordon Lightfoot just came on the radio. Pretty sure it's my dad's little way of saying hello...

So The Great Truck Exchange of 2007 (not to be confused with The Great Truck Exchange of 2006) is in little over a week. I am nervous as hell about it because of how things have gone in the past, but The Ex seems to be very sincere. Isn't that such a naive female remark? "He seems very sincere!" I need a spine, please. I really, really don't want to dredge up the past, so I'll just say that I can't explain why I feel I need to trust him once again to hold to his word (and there are some people who are pretty sure I've lost whatever mind I've managed to recover in the past few months over this), but I am going to. He is supposedly really getting his life together, and I guess if we can shut the door on our relationship with one final goodwill gesture to each other (he gets the truck that he loves; I no longer have to pay for the truck I HATE), then this is what I have to do. We have typed up an agreement between the two of us regarding the terms of the truck going back into his possession, and I just PRAY TO GOD that he lives up to it. Not as a personal attack against him, but past incidents have just left a very bitter taste in my mouth. Okay. I can't dwell on it, or I'll make myself sick. In the words of my grandmother, I'll just, "Leave it lay where Jesus flang it," and fervently hope that after everything that has transpired over the course of our marriage, he will end things in the most stand-up way possible. The Ex's plan is to take over all payment and insurance responsiblities - with the understanding that AT NO TIME will I contribute any more money to it, nor will I ever go pick up the truck again should things go down the crapper - and then he is going to refinance it as soon as he's able, thereby obliterating any association of mine with that thing. Good on ya, man. Thank you, and very good luck to you.

My little PAID-OFF Deathscort and I are gonna be just fine.


miagoddess said...

Ahhh, the sweet, sweet smell of financial and emotional freedom! Get your name off the monster ASAP and don't look back! My dear friend was left with a $600 a month car payment and a rottweiler puppy (neither of which she had wanted in the first place) and it still boggles my mind.

Killjoy said...

Rock! So happy for you. Divorce is so ugly and it takes so long for people to come to terms with. But look, just yesterday I baked cookies for Gary and sent them in a cute little heart box (for claire, of course) because he's been down with a cold. And to think this is the man that once, with the spare car key I forgot to get back when I left, got into my car, turned on my headlights, and then threw the keys on top of my apartment building roof.