
Friday, June 16, 2006

Solved and Solved

This could just be me being extremely self-conscious, or "projecting", as my therapist friend would say, BUT, I think I have figured out some Guy Code today.

Guy I Work For Randomly Walks Up To Me: "Your hair looks nice today. Really! It does!"

When I know darn good and well that it doesn't because: (A) it is in that hideous growing-out phase where no amount of styling products or tools will help it look like anything other than a big mess of frizzy goo with about forty-five cowlicks flying out of it; (B) the "Really! It does!" enthusiasm level was just a bit too bizarre; and (C) re-read Point A again.

What Guy I Work For Really Means (in Guy Code): "How in the hell did you manage to pack your chest into that shirt? Has our office somehow magically transformed into a sad version of a Hooters restaurant without my knowledge? Seriously, do you not even own a mirror? If a button pops off and pokes my eye out, I'm filing a report."

Today - Guy Code. Tomorrow - the world.


Raul Duke said...

Boonzie, you may never figure out guy code because you're not a guy. Probably what that guy was saying was "I'm horny, you look good today, but I'm complimenting your hair because telling you I want to bone you on this desk is inappropriate and will either result in me getting my ass kicked by you and your husband, or will get me fired. Either way I'm still horny and damn you fine." That's just my thoughts.

Boonzie said...

Okay Raul - thank you SO MUCH for cracking me up with that guy code translation, as much as I am disinclined to believe it! My other thought was that maybe he was complimenting me on my hair as a backhanded way to point out that it actually was hideous! I know, I know - self-conscious much??

Raul Duke said... don't sound self conscious. Trust me on this one though. When a guy compliments your shoes, hair, clothes, nail polish, or anything specific it likely translates to something totally different. If a guy says "You look nice today," that typically means you look nice but can still mean we're picturing you naked. If he really complimented your hair he's likely gay and guy code doesn't apply. If he's not gay he was likely wondering what you'd look like naked on his desk.