
Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Ahh, The Memories

Sometimes when I cut myself a piece of cheese (as I just did), I get this funny little tune in my head from the late seventies/early eighties. It was from a commercial that was usually played during breaks from sweet cartoons like Thundar the Barbarian. The commercial had this cartoon character that was basically a cream-colored blob (not really a circle) with super skinny arms and legs, and he wore a cowboy hat and cowboy boots. It was, my friends, a commercial about cheese.

The little guy would run around in this cartoon desert and do things like put a round piece of cheese between two round crackers and exclaim, "Look! A wagon wheel!" as he would roll the cracker/cheese combo among the cactus.

Anyway, when I eat cheese, I think of a part of the little song the cowboy blob used to sing, in a southern accent, while doing a little hoe-down:

"I hanker for a hunk-a,

a slab, a slice, a chunk-a,

I hanker for a hunk-a CHEEEEESE!!!"

Now, if that doesn't make kids want to eat cheese, seriously, WHAT WILL?


Mia Goddess said...

OMG!! "It's time for Timer"! I loved that guy! Except it wasn't so much a commercial as it was a "public service announcement" - or oh, like "School House Rock" cartoons. He did the breakfast thing too - you know, "and bless my soul, right here's a bowl, with one cold piece of steak in it!" Trying to convince kids to eat something - anything! hard boiled eggs! PB&J! - before heading out to school. And didn't he do the after school snack thing, with directions on making your own icees in ice cube trays? "caaaaaarefully poke the toothpicks, throuuuuuuugh the plastic wrap, and in a few hours - presto!" Dang. Dang!- Mia

Laura said...

You are both making me laugh!!When my git up and go, has got up and went..I hanker fer a hunk o'cheese...I have the Schoolhouse Rock LP. For your YOUNGER readers, that's the BIG, black, vinyl record with the little hole in the middle...AAACK! I knew I was in trouble when I was unpacking a box and I pulled out a 45. My oldest son (he's 6) asked me, "What's that?". My response, "It's a record". His response, "What's a record?". Or another favorite..."What's an album?".I'm just a bill, yeah I'm only a bill..and I'm sittin here on Capitol Hill....~L.

Boonzie said...

HAHA! You're right; I completely forgot about the breakfast one! And yeah, it was definitely more like a public service announcement! Hilarious!

Boonzie said...

Laura, School House Rock, uh, ROCKS!!Man, I feel sorry for kids today. The seventies had BY FAR the best cartoons!

Laura said... has the cartoons categorized and if you click on them, you get a wav file of the acutal song. Conjuncion junction..what's your fuuuunction?Hookin up words, n' phrases, n' clauses...I'm hooked again!~L.

Christie said...

Yeah, so when I first read this I thought it said "Sometimes I cut the cheese." So I'm slow, shoot me. (haha)

Kristin said...

OMG! I remember that now........ wow big ol' blast from the past. "What's a record?".........indeed!

Jay said...

i used to watch that cartoon about Bill, the legislative bill, who was always waiting for his turn in Congress. that song still floats around in my head from time to time.