
Monday, May 11, 2009

Still Going

I finally had my first doctor's appointment last week and I was so happy to find out that everything appears to be going along wonderfully! My doctor is a lovely human being and I think I made a great choice; he listened to all of my crazy questions (and he approved my Greens to Go! Yay - veggies in powder form!), was extremely helpful and didn't make me feel like cattle being herded through the office as fast as possible. What I didn't realize was that we would be doing an ultrasound and hearing the heartbeat! What the?!? I was so shocked that I didn't even cry when it all happened, which is weird because lately I cry at everything. The other day I walked past a field with a bunch of tulips scattered throughout the tall grass and I burst into tears over the beauty of it, yet I could barely summon the emotion of a rock when faced with the first images of my now-Peach. Strange. Honestly, with the concerns I had been having leading up to the appointment, I think I was just so stunned that I still had a viable pregnancy that I just didn't know what to do. I had not been trying to be negative, but I was somewhat prepared to find out that we would have to be trying again in a few months. To discover that everything is fine was overwhelming, to say the least. I have so much to be grateful for that it almost makes me overlook the fact that my chest now requires an entirely new zip code. Seriously, can we get a leash on these things??

Mother's Day weekend was crazy and wonderful. Mom and I biked in Glenwood Canyon, which was absolutely awesome, and then went to lunch at Beau Jo's where I had the tastiest BBQ chicken pizza. I gave her a plant arrangement that came in a gigantic teacup and saucer that she loved so much, she decided to buy one for Nana. Sean and I went to a couple of BBQs and made big plans to be productive around the house and yard all day Sunday in Crazy Domestic Couple mode. Instead, we went to breakfast, moseyed around various stores and places in Glenwood Springs, spent gobs of money on flowers for the yard and saw "Wolverine," which we really liked. Naked Hugh Jackman is certainly not painful to look at, but HELLO, Ryan Reynolds! How is it possible for that guy to be so hot? Humor and hotness - the ultimate combination in lethal doses. I got a couple of Happy Mother-to-Be cards and calls, which was very sweet, and my aunt sent a bundle of receiving blankets, socks and various baby toiletries along with some very lethal cookies that I made the mistake of telling her were the only things curing my morning sickness. Now she keeps me up to my neck in cookies, which will soon become evident on my ass, I am sure.

In other news, a bird pooped on my back today. Pooped. Right on me. I really hope it's true that this is supposed to be good luck, because Saturday night I found a dead mouse in my toilet and nearly lost my mind, and a spider crawled into my keyboard this morning, YET AGAIN. I'm not doing so well in the animal kingdom department.

1 comment:

samtheory25 said...

A bird pooped on your back! Perhaps the animal kingdom is giving you its blessing for the pregnancy . . . by drowning in your toilet, and such.