
Friday, October 28, 2005


I discovered this morning on my way to work that I will now be able to include an Alanis Morissette song in my karaoke repertoire, which, due to previous occasions in my Party Like It's 1999 days, had previously consisted of:

"Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake;
"If You Leave" by OMD;
"Push It" by Salt-n-Pepa;
"Queen of Hearts" by Juice Newton;
"It Takes Two" AND "Joy and Pain" by Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock;
"Have Mercy" by the Judds;
Color Me Badd (with TWO D's!) songs and let's just leave it at that;
"Too Soon to Tell" by Bonnie Raitt; and
"Bye Bye Bye" by N'Sync, hastily and drunkenly added during my duet with the best man at my stepbrother's wedding reception this past summer.

Thank goodness; we can all rest so much easier now.

Waaaaaiiitt a minute. Aren't the songs in one's "karaoke repertoire" SUPPOSED TO BE added hastily and drunkenly??? As in, at no other time ever in your LIFE should you be thinking, "Gee, I wonder what new song can I sing if I ever have to get up, willingly, in front of people after having consumed large amounts of alcohol, 'cause I REALLY need to mix it up!"??? Whatever. Obviously you can also add songs while you are hastily and soberly commuting, too. I changed the rule.

Just to be sure, I replayed and sung along to Alanis' "Head Over Feet" two times. Yeah; we're golden. I don't plan on actually singing it in front of anyone, but I have it on reserve. On back up. If I need it.

Seriously, if you want me to sing at your next bash, you better book me NOW.

Oh, and please make sure all rotten veggies and fruit are out of throwing-distance from the stage. Thanks.


Samantha said...

Don't forget the Reba McEntire/ Linda Davis duet "Does He Love You?" That's a classic.

Raul Duke said...

The last time I did karaoke was at a run down bar in Oklahoma. There was a guy that came out dressed in his absolute best clothes to do karoake and did his own list of songs EVERY night. We'd figured it out on the third night and we'd decided that if he showed up, I'd turn in his list of songs and sing it before he did. He never showed. I considered myself lucky in one sense, but not so lucky in the other because 10 Corona's later I had my own list of songs I'd already done. But that's a story for another time.

Detroit Rock City said...

"It Takes Two" and "Joy and Pain" kick ass. You need to add a little Eminem to this list. :)

Mia Goddess said...

I don't see Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" on that list, which makes me suspicious... how can you even prove you've ever *been* to a karaoke bar when such an aggregious oversight has been made?

Angi said...

Ok, I want to see a video of you doing Push it....